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Hurricane Milton Update

Hurricane Milton Update – Thursday, October 10 at 5:48 p.m. ET


At this time, our community has fully resumed normal operations following Hurricane Milton. While we continue to clear the remaining debris, rest assured that our staff remains dedicated to providing the highest level of care and support to our residents, even in the face of challenging events. Should you have any questions regarding our hurricane response or if you need additional updates, please don’t hesitate to contact us.

Hurricane Milton Update – Thursday, October 10 at 11:47 a.m. ET


We are pleased to share that our community, Lake Port Square, has successfully weathered Hurricane Milton with no significant damage to our community. Additionally, the health and well-being of our residents is our top priority, and we are happy to report all residents are safe and healthy.

Our thoughts are with those who have suffered catastrophic loss as a result of Hurricane Milton at this time.

Hurricane Milton Update – Wednesday, October 9 at 10:19 a.m. ET


Dear Residents, Family Members and Community Members,

We continue to closely monitor Hurricane Milton and have prepared for landfall and/or related impact anticipated midnight tonight, Wednesday. We want to assure you we have our emergency plan in place and activated as health and safety of our residents and employees are always our first priority.

Staff and additional regional support will remain on-site and will shelter-in-place with residents throughout the duration of the storm.

Please call the community with questions at 352-728-8525. If we lose phone service, please call the LCS hotline at 888-214-8464. We kindly ask to limit calls to the hotline to emergency situations only. We plan to provide communication here as soon as possible.

Thank you for your support.

Hurricane Milton Update – Tuesday, October 8 at 12:35 p.m. ET


Dear Residents, Family Members and Community Members,

We are tracking Hurricane Milton and preparing for landfall and/or related impact as early as mid-day Wednesday.  We want to assure you we have our emergency plan in place and activated as health and safety of our residents and employees are always our first priority.

Staff will remain on-site and will shelter-in-place with residents throughout the duration of the storm.

If we lose phone service, please call the LCS hotline at 888-214-8464.  We kindly ask to limit calls to the hotline to emergency situations only.  We plan to provide communication here as soon as possible.

Thank you for your support.

Hurricane Milton Update – Monday, October 7 at 12:29 p.m. ET


Dear Residents, Family Members and Community Members,

We want to assure you we have our emergency plan in place and activated as health and safety of our residents and employees are always our first priority.

We’re closely tracking Hurricane Milton and have our team members along with additional regional members prepared to shelter in place with the residents at the community.

Further updates will be posted as they are available.

Thank you for your support.


Hurricane Milton Update – Sunday, October 6 at 12:50 p.m. ET


A Message from the Executive Director

Dear Residents, Family Members and Community Members,

The health and safety of our residents and employees are always our first priority. As the Tampa Bay area prepares for the possibility of hurricane impact, the team members at Lake Port Square are making necessary preparations for their safety.

Lake Port Square is a shelter in place community, and we historically have never flooded. As a shelter in place community, we have our team members prepared to shelter in place with the residents at the community.

The following is a list of items in preparation:

• Removed and/or tied down all loose items or structures
• Provided reinforcement of main entry windows and entrances
• Stocked with sufficient levels of food, linens, water, fuel, hurricane supplies, and medications as needed
• Secured a generator and backup generator for the Health Center and the main kitchen
• Vehicles fueled to maximum capacity
• Additional ice and water on hand

We will be communicating via our “one-call system” and email updates. Please call the front desk at 352-728-8525 if you wish to be enrolled to receive these automated updates.

Further updates will be posted as they come available.
Thank you for your support –


Brant Spence
Interim Executive Director